Titanic Trip

On Thursday, Year 6 went on a visit to the Time and Tide Museum in Great Yarmouth. We had a wonderful time learning about life on the Titanic. Here are some photos of the day.

Titanic poems

Captain: Do you know why we’re sinking?

Owner: Do you know why the steel was so weak?

Captain: You told me it was unsinkable.

Owner: You told me that a piece of ice had fallen on the deck.

Captain: You should’ve used better steel.

Owner: You should’ve gone straight ahead.

Captain: Why did you build her so badly?

Owner: Why did you captain her so badly?

Captain: I blame you for this.

Owner: I blame you for this.

Captain: We have passengers to save.

Owner: We have passengers to save.


Father: You have to get in a lifeboat now!

Daughter: I don’t want to leave you.

Father: This is the last boat. Please, I beg you, get in.

Daughter: I’d rather die than part from you.

Father: The ship is filling up with freezing cold water. It will be gone in a few minutes.

Daughter: At least the cold will numb my heartache!

Father: Go. The lights have gone out. It’s pitch black. Hold my hand and we’ll find a boat.

Daughter: Please father, I don’t want to go by myself.

Father: There’s no room for me. I’ll be fine. I can swim.

Daughter: If I go, do you promise that you’ll survive?

Father: I promise.



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What if?

We have been writing poems about the Titanic based on the wonderful book Berth, Voices of the Titanic by Natalie Scott.


Frederick Fleet, crew

What if we had set sail a day later?

What if we had had a different destination?

What if the sea had been slightly rougher?

What if there had been enough lifeboats?

What if the water had been warmer?

What if all the passengers had been treated equally?

What if we hadn’t lost the key to the binocular cupboard?

What if I had seen the iceberg ten seconds earlier?

What if I had seen the iceberg ten seconds later?

What if there hadn’t been an iceberg?

What if I had worn my lucky socks?

What if I’d had tea instead of coffee?

What if there had been someone else on look out?

What if there had been someone else on look out?


Third Class Passenger

What if my life had mattered?

What if we had been treated like humans?

What if we hadn’t been threatened by the crew?

What if I’d been richer?

What if I had gone on another voyage?

What if the key to the cupboard had been found?

What if the water wasn’t so cold?

What if I was a child?

What if the lifeboats had come back?

What if my tears had persuaded the crew

What if I had worn different shoes?

What if I hadn’t been on the boat?

What if I hadn’t been on the boat?


Joseph Bruce Ismay, Owner

What if I had used better steel?

What if I had had the key to the binoculars cupboard?

What if we had set sail earlier?

What if we had set sail later?

What if I’d picked a  better captain?

What if we’d had more lifeboats?

What if we’d hit the iceberg head on instead?

What if we had gone at twenty knots instead?

What if we had listened to the warnings?

What if I had worn my bow tie?

What if I hadn’t built the Titanic?

What if I hadn’t built the Titanic?


Third Class Passenger

What if I was a child?

What if I could have travelled First Class?

What if the ocean was rougher?

What if they saw the iceberg?

What if the iceberg was larger?

What if the iceberg was smaller?

What if there was no iceberg?

What if they had listened to my pleas?

What if there were less people on the ship?

What if I had had something else to eat?

What if I was wearing a different suit?

What if I didn’t even get on the ship?

What if I didn’t even get on the ship?

Refugee letter by Jack


Dear friends,

Welcome to our country . I know that you’ve had a hard time recently and I empathize with you. I enjoy living in Britain and hope that you will too. It is wonderful for many reasons.

Firstly,we are lucky because we have lovely school and we have friendly friends also lovely teachers and we have books, lots of books,also we learn PE, Maths, English and more.

As well as this, we have shelter, fresh water and we have no wars.Also we have plenty of food, we also have free speech so we can say what we want.

We have have emergency services who save us from trouble.

In addition, we read lovely books at school like THE WORLD OF NORM, THE THORNTHWATE BETRAYAL and lots more.

Lots of luck in your new country,

From Jack

Isn’t it great? by Andrew

Isn’t it great when you wake up in the morning and it’s the summer holidays?

Isn’t it great when a motorbike comes past and you can smell the diesel?

Isn’t it great when you realise it’s Christmas?

Isn’t it great when you come home from school and you’re having something nice for dinner?

Isn’t it great when you get to see a football game?

Ins’t it great when you get a computer game that has only came out today?

Isn’t it great when you score the winning goal for your team?

Isn’t it great when its a sunny day?

Isn’t great when your favourite song comes on?

Isn’t it great when your pet listens to you?

Isn’t it great when you land the water bottle flip on the cap?

Isobel’s description of Ebenezer Scrooge

Ebenezer Scrooge had a cold life. Everything about him was blue. His appearance, his personality, and most of all his heart. His chin was a skinny branch off a dead tree. His nose was long and pointed like a spike on a graveyard gate. His eyes were a dark blue, it was as if you were staring into Medusa’s eyes, fearing if you even took a glimpse, you might not come out alive. It was impossible to get a smile from Scrooge. It was only him that could make himself laugh. He didn’t even have a smile, well not until now.  Scrooge only had a grin; a sly, deep, grin. He only ever grinned when he had done something nasty or cold-hearted. His grin was thin and crumpled, exactly like his heart.


Ebenezer Scrooge by James


Ebenezer Scrooge was a cold-hearted man. Scrooge looked so angry like he just saw a bunch of jolly people were skipping at his door. Scrooge’s temperature was low so if he walked in a room people would say the room had dropped by five degrees. Scrooge’s eyes were like a glassy hailstone glazing in the sun. Scrooge’s body was so content like a skeleton. He was lonely and miserable and quite selfish because he used only  one bit of coal. He didn’t want to spend his money.

Ebenezer Scrooge by Gracie

Ebenezer Scrooge was a cold man, he was as cold as a bleak frosty morning. He was as cold as the grim icy cellar which was his heart! Ebenezer scrooge was cold. Not just because of his heart, not just because of his soul , which was a swirling storm of greed and selfishness but because of the permanent scowl which was on his miserable bony face.

His appearance was almost as ugly as his sour personality. His skin, which was tinted with blue, hung over his body like a deathly blanket.His worst feature was his eyes. They cut open your heart and soul like an icy knife of depression. That feeling lingered in the room around him. It was like a force field pushing kind thoughts and kind words away. It was as though the only emotions he could feel were hate and sadness.
